garden & gun | eliza kraft olander, wine collector

“Wine makes every meal an occasion, every table more elegant, every day more civilized.”  ~ Andre Simon

 Eliza Kraft Olander, a wine collector and philanthropist, graciously allowed me to see a little part of her life as I photographed her for a Garden & Gun story recently.  It was so wonderful to spend time with her and photograph some of her impressive collection of wine.  She has over 24,000 bottles!  And many of the special ones are signed speaking of the close relationships Eliza has with the vineyards and wine makers.

To be honest, sometimes I have felt intimidated by the wine world but Eliza gave me some very good advice – “Drink what whatever wine you like!”  That is kind of freeing don’t you think?

A big thank you to Eliza for her warm welcome, for regaling me with wine stories, and showing me around her beautiful property.

Salute!  Cheers!  Santé!

style at home | taste of switzerland

A little Swiss twist on some holiday raclette... Alison Lovell of Lovell Designs grew up in Switzerland and shared her love of raclette with Style at Home for the November issue.  It was so great to photograph Alison & family – aren’t they all so photogenic?  The very talented Lara McGraw did the styling and my ever faithful assistant Mun helped me shoot this very fun story.  I have posted a few behind the scenes of Lara overseeing the details, Mun making sure we have correct colour and a few other favorites that didn’t make it into the magazine story.   Mmmmm now I wish I had a raclette machine!

pear orchard

Driving into Fenwick, Ontario to visit my cousins, I saw this incredible pear orchard!  The pears were green and all the leaves had turned to crimson and burnt orange.  I am not sure I have seen a prettier site at an orchard.  I was ranting and raving about it when I arrived at my sweet cousin Cathy‘s house so she agreed to drive over with me to take a few quick photos . . .  I returned the next day to do an impromptu photo shoot with my cousin Sylvia  – photos to come soon!

virginia living | levering cherry orcharch I

I will never forget my first trip to Levering Orchard in Fancy Gap, Virginia.  I was amazed by the height of the fruit laden cherry trees!  The cherries were so plentiful that year that it was like picking grapes.  We picked buckets and ate our fill along the way.  With sticky cherry stained hands we brought our cherries to be weighed.  Then home to pit them and freeze them.  I think I made 20 cherry tarts that year   . . .

I was thrilled to photograph my first story for Virginia Living magazine at Levering Orchard!  I pitched the story to then Art Director Tyler Darden and then produced & styled it with help from my amazing assistant Maria.  It was one of the longest days of shooting I have ever had and I loved every moment of it.

Levering Orchard has been in the family for over a 100 years and is now run by farmer, author Frank Levering.  I am so happy they continue to farm in a time that has made it very difficult for family farms.  If you have a hankering for cherries, peaches or apples just head up to Fancy Gap and pick some at Levering Orchard!  You’ll be glad you did. . .

Here is the article and a few other favorites.  More to come – stay tuned!

yummy organic pesto

One of my favorite times of year is when my basil is ready.  Is there anything more deliciously fragrant than freshly picked basil?  Last night I went out with a huge bowl and filled it to overflowing with fresh organic basil.  I really wanted to make some pesto and was excited when I came across a vegan pesto recipe and decided to give it a try.

I love nutritional yeast (or for fellow Canadians, “good tasting yeast” ).  Some of you may not be familiar with this product – learn more here.   In this recipe the yeast substitutes for the parmesan cheese.  With fresh basil, toasted pinenuts and the yeast, honestly I couldn’t even tell the difference!  It was delicous!

I ended up with seven jars of yumminess and packaged them up for gifts – invite me over and maybe one of these will be yours . . .

More info on the benefits to nutritional yeast.

for the love of... pesto

Some people call Vizslas “velcro dogs”.  You may not like this type of clingy dog but I do.  He is my faithful companion, intelligent, communicative, silly and wild and I wouldn’t trade him for anything.  Learn more about these extraordinary dogs.

So, the basil was ready in the garden and of course Simon wanted to be involved.  He waited patiently while I picked oodles of my favorite fragrant herb, then followed me into the house to sort and wash and make pesto.  A more faithful friend I have never had. . .

traditional home | on rue satin

I am thrilled that photographs from my trip to Susan Hermann Loomis’ beautiful cooking school On Rue Tatin have been featured in the April issue of Traditional Home magazine!  Stephen Exel writes of his culinary experiences at the On Rue Tatin cooking school found in the little town of Louviers.  My mouth is watering for the fresh local ingredients we found at the farmer’s market and for the lovely ambiance of the former convent converted into cooking school.  Delightful and delicious

nc winepress | flinthill vineyards

I absolutely love photographing at vineyards– the incredibly beautiful vines row upon row, the succulent grapes hanging on the leafy vines and of course the highlight of being able to taste the wines.   We are so excited to have the cover of the September/October issue of the new North Carolina Winepress magazine – hope you check it out!  This photograph was taken at the lovely family owned Flinthill Vineyards located in the East Bend.  They also have a restaurant located in the old family farmhouse called The Century Kitchen.