Do you know what happens in June in the Maritime Provinces? The lupins, pink, white and purple, burst into glorious bloom on every roadway, ditch and path. In a way I took them for granted when I was growing up in Nova Scotia, but now when I go home, I marvel at the beauty of these renegade wildflowers.
Read Morewindswept | green cove + igonish
Another early morning . . . and our dedicated crew is ready for another marathon shooting day! We had two locations on this day and both were spectacular: Green Cove is a huge rock that juts out into the sea . . .
Read Morewindswept | the book + behind the scenes
Even when I was a young child, I would come up with wild and crazy creative ideas. When I said, “I have an idea”, my father often shook his head and said “uh oh . . . ” But when I explained to him my ideas for windswept and that I needed to scout around Cape Breton, he immediately volunteered to come along with me. Our agreement was that I could say to stop anywhere and we might explore every road, nook and cranny. So off we went, Simon my vizsla, Dad and I, to rummage around the beauty of Cape Breton. It tuned out to be a very long but wonderful day. We drove down forgotten roads, hiked trails to the sea and discovered so many new places. It turned out to be a very special Father/Daughter day and one I will treasure always.
And then the windswept team arrived, from Nova Scotia, Ontario, and North Carolina. We welcomed everyone with a Nova Scotia lobster dinner in my parent’s yard complete with coleslaw and potato salad. My Mum was especially thrilled to have Fred visiting since she is a big fan. After dinner we tumbled into my parent’s house with all of our stuff : wardrobe, props, equipment, makeup & hair implements. It was an explosion of pretty things and activity as we took over the whole house to prepare for our shoot. My Mum and Dad are very patient and gracious to let me follow through on yet another crazy idea.
After a good night’s sleep our windswept adventure began : 4 days, hundreds of kilometres, early mornings and late evenings, curious locals and lots of laughs. I want to sincerely thank the whole team for all of their hard work, patience and enthusiasm for this project.
I hope you enjoy escaping with me to my beautiful windblown Nova Scotia . . .
To see more windswept check these out!
windswept : seafoam + tweed
windswept : crimson + skyline
windswept : green cove + ingonish
style at home | magically muted christmas
Thrilled to have to the November cover of Style at Home magazine. Thank you to Christine Hanlon and your wonderful styling – we had such fun working with you as always. I really love the understated approach to the holidays – it is peaceful and calm and just so pretty.

style at home | cozy ottawa holiday
Style at Home editor Erin McLaughlin & I drove to Ottawa on a cold snowy day last December on our way to a shoot in Canada’s capitol. As we drew closer the snow got worse and worse & the next morning we woke up to sleet and ice. We were determined to make it to the shoot so we drove verrrrrrrry slowly through the streets of Ottawa. And what a lovely surprise it was to have Chip Hamann & Alain Doom welcome us into their cozy and stylish house. We also met the gracious Irene Langlois of Irene Langlois Interiors who helped make this home charming and ready for entertaining.
Alain & Chip prepared the food, lit the candles while Irene hung the last of the holiday decor. And despite the ice & snow, good friends arrived, champagne was opened and the lovely party went on into the evening. . .
pear orchard
Driving into Fenwick, Ontario to visit my cousins, I saw this incredible pear orchard! The pears were green and all the leaves had turned to crimson and burnt orange. I am not sure I have seen a prettier site at an orchard. I was ranting and raving about it when I arrived at my sweet cousin Cathy‘s house so she agreed to drive over with me to take a few quick photos . . . I returned the next day to do an impromptu photo shoot with my cousin Sylvia – photos to come soon!
for the love of... visits
This time last year, Simon Henry and I were in the Niagara region visiting family on the way to shoot for Style at Home magazine in Toronto. The autumn leaves were so vibrant and beautiful in my aunt Gwenn & Uncle Gerry’s yard we decided on an afternoon walk. My cousin Sylvia brought her daughter Katy and their dog Jackson to come for a romp with Simon. The dogs were so excited we never did get a closeup photo of them! But they had a good time running through the pale yellow fields and wrestling in the leaves. What a wonderful visit with family. . . stay tuned for some photos of Sylvia in a pear orchard
style at home | cottage chic
We were thrilled to have another cover of Style at Home! What’s better than shooting a breezy cottage in beautiful Prince Edward Island? For all those Anne of Green Gables fans out there – PEI is as pretty as it looks in the movies. . .
It was great to meet Susan Snow of Moving Designs and of course to work with Margot Austin of Style at Home. Here is a peek at the article inside – see more on in my recent work.