Simon is a wonderful dog in so many ways but his ability to steal food is pretty extraordinary! He waits until your attention is diverted and then he strikes as quick as lightening and all you are left with are a few pieces of plastic or a plate. Don’t let his innocent stance fool you . . . one time he ate a whole pan of fudge, another time a whole rotisserie chicken!
for the love of | fame
There is no doubt that Simon is a beautiful dog. . . I am not just saying it just because he happens to be mine. People stop me on the street all the time to tell me how pretty he is. This past Sunday Simon and I both appeared in the career section of the Greensboro News & Record in a story on the photo school I attended to study commercial photography.
But the best part is that I brought Simon to be a prop at the photo session and he ended up appearing in his own photo! So you see . . . Simon really is famous! Simon also appeared in a story about Lake James in NC Signature magazine a few years ago as well – see those stories below.
for the love of... rescuing pedro
I have become the dog whisperer of my neighbourhood. I seem to keep stumbling across stray dogs or they just show up in my yard. In the last few months I have rescued 4 dogs! With the help of friends, local rescue groups such as Triad SPCA, Almost Home Dacshund Rescue, Red Dog Farm and the power of Facebook – 2 of the dogs found loving forever homes, one was adopted and one still awaits adoption. My Vizsla, Simon Henry Haines, is also a rescue from the Vizsla Rescue. Simon has been so good to the dogs who have passed through even sharing his dog bed and my attention.
Little Pedro went to live with him forever family on Sunday – I think Simon misses his little pal a little but is glad to have my lap entirely to himself!
for the love of... naps
Simon Henry Haines is my wacky and beautiful four year old Vizsla who came from the Vizsla Rescue of the Carolinas. He bounded into my life all energy and sweetness with a big streak of mischieviousness. There were days in the beginning that his tasmanian devil ways brought me to tears but when he snuggled under the covers with me, he won my heart. He is like a person to me – we communicate – me with words, him with gesture and eye contact. He cracks me up daily with his antics and I marvel at what a wonderful creature he is. I am so blessed to have him in my life. I thought I might make him a little project and share a few photos each week of him with you. Hope you enjoy!

for the love of... simon’s favorite ups man
Does your UPS delivery person bring treats for your dog? Mine does. Do they allow your dog to lick their face? Mine does. It seems like a funny thing to say but I am thankful for my UPS man – he is always so pleasant and he loves my Vizsla Simon. What more can you ask for?
Happy American Thanksgiving!
for the love of... rescuing reuben
Almost every pet I have had has been a hand-me-down or a from a rescue organization. There was poor Tasha, the slightly crazy black and white cat that had to be adopted because no one wanted her, Zoe, a sleepy girl, adopted because a dear friend had terrible allergies and then Ruby, the lovely and sweet first vizsla who was abused but became my best friend for five wonderful years. Just this past year there was Dovie, the large eyed cat my friend’s husband found starving in a parking lot and of course my wonderful crazy & beautiful Simon.
Sometimes these little creatures just walk into your life unannounced and unexpectedly. Last week a forlorn, starving, flea-infested little dachshund was staggering down the street and I stopped to pick him up. I christened him “Reuben” and took him home for some a little tender loving care. After a bath, flea spray and lots of food he started to look a little better. It makes me sad that so many animals are not taken care of – left unneutered and unspayed to fend for the themselves.
My sweet vizsla Simon took little Ruben under his paw so to speak and I decided to use Facebook as a forum to find this little guy a forever home. There are many negative things about Facebook but this time it was the power of the Facebook network that led us to find a wonderful family for Reuben.
We are dropping little Reuben off to his forever family tomorrow. He’ll be missed dearly although it has only been a few days. If you are interested in adopting a Dachshund in particular, please check out