new in the print shop | cherry blossoms

We are thrilled to introduce a new set of blossom prints in our fine art print shop! This cherry blossom series has a special place in my heart, too. I made these photos on a trip to New York with my mom at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens. We had such a fun day exploring the city and showing her my old stomping grounds, and we could hardly believe our eyes when we stumbled upon this scene. Is there any other flower that is a harbinger of spring more than cherry blossoms? I think not!

We're giving away an 11 x 14 print of the cherry blossom below this week on Instagram, too! To enter, find today's Instagram post and tag a friend. We'll be posting several images over the next week, and you can enter to win this print by tagging as many friends as you like in every post. To win, you must BOTH be following @staceyvanberkel. We'll announce the winner on Tuesday, 5/16. Stay tuned and good luck!